Source code for pytb.detection.bboxes.bboxes_2d_detector.yolo4.yolo4

from pytb.detection.bboxes.bboxes_2d_detector.bboxes_2d_detector import BBoxes2DDetector
from pytb.output.bboxes_2d import BBoxes2D

from timeit import default_timer

import cv2
import numpy as np
import logging

log = logging.getLogger("aptitude-toolbox")

[docs]class YOLO4(BBoxes2DDetector):
[docs] def __init__(self, proc_parameters: dict): """This class can be used for YOLO v2, v3, v4 models from Darknet. Initializes the detector with the given parameters. Args: proc_parameters (dict): A dictionary containing the YOLO detector parameters """ super().__init__(proc_parameters) # The minimum confidence threshold of the detected objects if the implementation allows to provide one. self.conf_thresh = proc_parameters["params"].get("conf_thresh", 0) # The minimum non-max suppression threshold of the detected objects if the implementation allows to provide one. # The non-max suppression can be implemented in multiple ways, results can vary. self.nms_thresh = proc_parameters["params"].get("nms_thresh", 0) # Whether to perform the NMS algorithm across the different classes of object or separately. self.nms_across_classes = proc_parameters["params"].get("nms_across_classes", True) # Whether to use the GPU if available. self.gpu = proc_parameters["params"].get("GPU", False) # Whether to use the half precision capability of the recent GPU cards. self.half_precision = proc_parameters["params"].get("half_precision", False) log.debug("GPU set to {} and half precision set to {}.".format(self.gpu, self.half_precision)) log.debug("YOLOv2-3-4 {} implementation selected.".format(self.pref_implem)) # Implementation for YOLOv2-3-4 from OpenCV. # This implementation is slightly faster than cv2-Readnet but is a bit more 'blackbox'. if self.pref_implem == "cv2-DetectionModel": = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(self.model_path, self.config_path), self.input_height) / 255) self._setup_cv2() # Implementation for YOLOv2-3-4 from OpenCV. # This implementation is slightly slower than cv2-DetectionModel # but outputs a bit more details about the predictions. elif self.pref_implem == "cv2-ReadNet": = cv2.dnn.readNet(self.model_path, self.config_path) self._setup_cv2() else: assert False, "[ERROR] Unknown implementation of YOLO: {}".format(self.pref_implem)
[docs] def detect(self, frame: np.array) -> BBoxes2D: """Performs a YOLO inference on the given frame. Args: frame (np.array): The frame to infer YOLO detections. Returns: BBoxes2D: A set of 2D bounding boxes identifying the detected objects. """ if self.pref_implem == "cv2-DetectionModel": if frame.shape[:2] != (self.input_height, self.input_width): frame = cv2.resize(frame, (self.input_width, self.input_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) output = self._detect_cv2_detection_model(frame) elif self.pref_implem == "cv2-ReadNet": blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(frame, 1 / 255.0, (self.input_width, self.input_height), swapRB=True, crop=False) output = self._detect_cv2_read_net(blob) else: assert False, "[ERROR] Unknown implementation of YOLO: {}".format(self.pref_implem) return output
[docs] def _setup_cv2(self): """ Setup OpenCV framework with the required backend. """ if self.gpu: # Half precision is for recent GPU cards that had such capability. if self.half_precision: log.debug("OpenCV with DNN_BACKEND_CUDA target CUDAFP16.") else: log.debug("OpenCV with DNN_BACKEND_CUDA target CUDA.") else: log.debug("OpenCV with DNN_BACKEND_OPENCV and target CPU.")
[docs] def _detect_cv2_detection_model(self, cv2_org_frame: np.array) -> BBoxes2D: """Performs a YOLOv2-3-4 inference on the given frame using cv2-DetectionModel of openCV. Args: frame (np.array): The frame to infer YOLOv2-3-4 detections. Returns: BBoxes2D: A set of 2D bounding boxes identifying the detected objects. """ start = default_timer() classes, confidences, boxes =, confThreshold=self.conf_thresh, nmsThreshold=self.nms_thresh) end = default_timer() # Format results if len(classes) > 0: classes = classes.flatten() confidences = confidences.flatten() output = BBoxes2D((end - start), np.array(boxes), np.array(classes), np.array(confidences), self.input_width, self.input_height) return output
[docs] def _detect_cv2_read_net(self, blob_org_frame) -> BBoxes2D: """Performs a YOLOv2-4 inference on the given frame using cv2-ReadNet of openCV. Args: frame (Any): The frame to infer YOLOv2-3-4 detections. Returns: BBoxes2D: A set of 2D bounding boxes identifying the detected objects. """ # Detect objects layer_names = output_layers = [layer_names[i - 1] for i in] # Inference start = default_timer() outputs = end = default_timer() classes = [] confidences = [] boxes = [] # Get the output of each yolo layers for output in outputs: for detection in output: scores = detection[5:] conf = scores[scores > self.conf_thresh] if len(conf) != 0: box = detection[:4] * np.array( [self.input_width, self.input_height, self.input_width, self.input_height]) box -= np.array([box[2] / 2, box[3] / 2, 0, 0]) # to xt, yt, w, h classes.append(scores.argmax()) confidences.append(np.max(conf)) boxes.append(box) return BBoxes2D((end - start), np.array(boxes), np.array(classes), np.array(confidences), self.input_width, self.input_height)