Source code for pytb.utils.transformation

Copyright (c) 2021-2022 UCLouvain, ICTEAM
Licensed under GPL-3.0 [see LICENSE for details]
Written by Jonathan Samelson (2021-2022)

from typing import Tuple, Optional
import logging
import numpy as np

from pytb.output.detection import Detection
from pytb.output.bboxes_2d import BBoxes2D
import pytb.utils.image_helper as ih
import ast

log = logging.getLogger("aptitude-toolbox")

[docs]def pre_process(preprocess_parameters: dict, image: np.ndarray, prev_roi: np.ndarray = None, detection: Detection = None) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[np.ndarray], Optional[Detection]]: """Applies the preprocess parameters onto the image and optionally a detection. It consists of image transformation method (apply a region of interest, add a border, resize the image). Args: preprocess_parameters (dict): A dictionary containing the operations to be applied on the image. It consists of key-value pairs that should be validated against the validator module. image (np.ndarray): The image on which pre-process modification must be applied. prev_roi (np.ndarray): An image defining a binary mask to apply the ROI. This is optional and only needed to avoid repeated readings of the ROI file if the same ROI is used along a sequence of image. detection (Detection): If provided, returns the detection transformed to take into account the image modification (such as the modification of the dimensions). Returns: A tuple containing - **image** (*np.ndarray*): The modified detection, if provided as an input to take into account the image\ modification. - **roi** (*Optional[np.ndarray]*): An optional frame of the ROI that was read, to be reused for next calls. - **border_px** (*Optional[np.ndarray]*): If "border" is to be applied, the number of pixels that was added\ on each side of the frame in the following order: [right, left, bottom, top]. - **detection** (*Optional[Detection]*): The detection transformed in accordance with the image modification. """ if "roi" in preprocess_parameters: # Using previous ROI if exists to avoid repeated readings roi = prev_roi if prev_roi is None: roi = _get_roi(preprocess_parameters["roi"], image.shape) image = ih.apply_roi(image, roi) else: roi = None border_px = None if "border" in preprocess_parameters: if detection is not None: detection.change_dims(image.shape[1], image.shape[0]) log.debug("Detection resized to match image size") border_params = preprocess_parameters["border"] image, border_px = ih.add_borders(image, centered=border_params.get("centered", False)) log.debug("Borders added to the image.") if detection is not None: detection.add_borders(border_px) log.debug("Borders added to the detections") if "resize" in preprocess_parameters: prev_dims = image.shape resize_params = preprocess_parameters["resize"] image = ih.resize(image, resize_params["width"], resize_params["height"]) log.debug("Image resized.") if detection is not None: detection.change_dims(resize_params["width"], resize_params["height"]) log.debug("Detection resized.") if border_px is not None: new_dims = image.shape ratio_width = prev_dims[1] / new_dims[1] ratio_height = prev_dims[0] / new_dims[0] border_px = np.array([border_px[0]/ratio_width, border_px[1]/ratio_width, border_px[2]/ratio_height, border_px[3]/ratio_height], np.uint8) return image, roi, border_px, detection
[docs]def post_process(postprocess_parameters: dict, detection: Detection, prev_roi: np.ndarray = None) \ -> Tuple[Detection, Optional[np.ndarray]]: """Applies the postprocess parameters onto the detection. It mainly consists of filtering method that removes a set of bounding boxes based on a set of thresholds. Learn more about those methods in the output classes (e.g. BBoxes2D) where those methods are implemented. In this function, the methods are called in a specific order that should provide the best results (yet, it is not guaranteed and one could change the order to obtain better results as the order matters). Args: postprocess_parameters (dict): A dictionary containing the operations to be applied on the detection. It consists of key-value pairs that should be validated against the validator module. detection (Detection): The detection on which post-process operations must be applied. The operations may vary depending on the type of the detection (only BBoxes2D & BBoxes2DTrack are supported at the moment). prev_roi (np.ndarray): An image defining a binary mask to apply the ROI. This is optional and only needed to avoid repeated readings of the ROI file if the same ROI is used along a sequence of image. Returns: A tuple containing - **detection** (*Detection*): The modified detection, after applying the post-process operation. - **roi** (*Optional[np.ndarray]*): An optional frame of the ROI that was read, to be reused for next calls. """ if isinstance(detection, BBoxes2D) and detection.number_objects > 0: # Using previous ROI if exists to avoid repeated readings roi = prev_roi # Order of the below operations matters if "coi" in postprocess_parameters: detection.class_filter(ast.literal_eval(postprocess_parameters["coi"])) log.debug("Only classes of interest were kept.") if "min_conf" in postprocess_parameters: detection.confidence_filter(postprocess_parameters["min_conf"]) log.debug("Only detection reaching the confidence threshold were kept.") if "max_height" in postprocess_parameters: detection.height_filter(postprocess_parameters["max_height"], max_filter=True) log.debug("Only detections below max height threshold were kept.") if "min_height" in postprocess_parameters: detection.height_filter(postprocess_parameters["min_height"], max_filter=False) log.debug("Only detections above min height threshold were kept.") if "max_width" in postprocess_parameters: detection.width_filter(postprocess_parameters["max_width"], max_filter=True) log.debug("Only detections below max width threshold were kept.") if "min_width" in postprocess_parameters: detection.width_filter(postprocess_parameters["min_width"], max_filter=False) log.debug("Only detections above max width threshold were kept.") if "min_area" in postprocess_parameters: detection.min_area_filter(postprocess_parameters["min_area"]) log.debug("Only detections above min area threshold were kept.") # borders_detection comes from preprocess if "borders_detection" in postprocess_parameters: border_px = postprocess_parameters["borders_detection"] detection.remove_borders(border_px) log.debug("Results were adjusted to take borders into account") if "roi" in postprocess_parameters: roi_params = postprocess_parameters["roi"] if prev_roi is None: roi = _get_roi(roi_params, (detection.dim_height, detection.dim_width)) detection.roi_filter(roi, roi_params["max_outside_roi_thresh"]) log.debug("Only classes in the ROI were kept.") if "nms" in postprocess_parameters: nms_params = postprocess_parameters["nms"] detection.nms_filter(nms_params["pref_implem"], nms_params["nms_thresh"]) log.debug("NMS algorithm applied.") if "top_k" in postprocess_parameters: detection.top_k(postprocess_parameters["top_k"]) log.debug("Only top K detections were kept.") if "resize_results" in postprocess_parameters: resize_res = postprocess_parameters["resize_results"] detection.change_dims(resize_res["width"], resize_res["height"]) log.debug("Results were resized.") return detection, roi
[docs]def _get_roi(roi_params: dict, image_shape: tuple) -> np.ndarray: """ Args: roi_params (dict): The parameters to apply the region of interest (ROI) as part of the preproc or postproc parameters. image_shape (tuple): The shape of the image for which it should be resized if the parameter "path" is chosen. Otherwise, in case of a polygon coords, it is assumed it is provided in the correct dimensions. Returns: np.ndarray: The binary mask of the ROI, either from the polygon coords or the image path. """ # Apply a mask via a mask file if "path" in roi_params: roi = ih.get_roi_file(roi_params["path"]) roi = ih.resize(roi, image_shape[1], image_shape[0]) log.debug("ROI obtained from a mask file.") return roi # Apply a mask via a polyline, the coords should be provided in the desired dimensions elif "coords" in roi_params: roi = ih.get_roi_coords(image_shape, roi_params["coords"]) log.debug("ROI obtained from polygon coordinates.") return roi